Roundtable (3) – Consultation Response to “Planning for the Future” (Pillar 2 – Planning for beautiful and sustainable places)
Planning Futures will be submitting responses to the Government consultations on Changes to the current planning system ( – consultation closes 1st October) and Planning for the Future ( – consultation closes 29th October 2020).
As an organisation whose membership is drawn from across the planning and housing sector, Planning Futures is well placed to produce consultation responses that balance a range of expert views and draw on diverse stakeholder experiences.
To inform our responses we would like to invite you to a series of roundtables which we will be holding during September/October (in order for us to understand our members’ views).
Each roundtable will comprise 6 members (plus the chair from Planning Futures). Members are invited to confirm which roundtable they wish to join by indicating on the attached poll (please click here). We will do our best to accommodate Members’ preferences.