Planning in Practice: Working with Statutory Consultees
Panel: Hannah David (Planning Futures) – Chair; John Neale – Historic England; Rachel Holmes and Hannah Perriton – Environment Agency; Adam Wallace – Natural England; Emma Williamson – OPDC.
From the production of local plans through to the development management process, statutory consultees are important stakeholders within the planning process. Yet, the relationship between planners and these key stakeholders can sometimes be fraught – particularly where their respective organisational visions and interests do not align.
Nevertheless, statutory consultees bring important knowledge to the place making process and are key to delivering successful plans and projects. Effective collaboration between planners and statutory consultees should lead to shared visions of place and contribute to better development outcomes at every scale.
This event will explore the relationship between planners – both public and private sector – and the statutory consultees that are key to delivering through the planning system.
It will consider:
• How to work with statutory consultees to create shared visions of place through the local
plan making processes and through the creation of SPDs;
• How to work with statutory consultees through the development management process.