Planning in Practice: Preparing for Biodiversity Net Gain
Pannel: Adam Gostling, hgh Consulting (Chair); Patrick James, the Landscape Agency; Laura Grant, DEFRA; Nick White, Natural England
Following the introduction into law of the Environment Act 2021 at the end of last year, it is expected that by the winter of 2023 all major planning applications will be required to secure 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) – either through onsite mitigation, offsite provision or through the purchase of biodiversity credits.
This naturally raises issues of compliance for planners and developers, who will need to adjust their practice to the new regime – ensuring that planning applications conform with the new legislation.
It will also shape decisions around site selection and the design of new schemes, as the cost of meeting the new BNG requirements feeds into the overall viability and profitability of development.
This expert panel event, certified by the CPD Certification Service, will explore the steps that the full range of built environment stakeholders will need to take in order to prepare for the new BNG regime. It will explore:
- Compliance with the Environment Act 2021
- The merits of onsite mitigation, offsite provision & biodiversity credits
- The impact of the new regime on site selection and design
This event is open to all Planning Futures members and is suitable for both public and private sector professionals, who wish to enhance their understanding of BNG.