Making COP 26 Count – The Role of Planning
Hannah David (Chair) – Planning Futures; Steve Quartermain – Former Chief Planner MHCLG (DLUHC); Philip Smith – LUC; Nick James – LUC; LPA speaker (tbc)
US climate tzar, and former Presidential candidate, John Kerry has described COP26 as the “last best chance” for the world to come together to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis.
Over two weeks this November, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will seek to negotiate a road map to delivering on the goals of the Paris Agreement – to reach net-zero emissions by the middle of this century, and to prevent global temperatures from rising by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius.
If the Conference is a success, it will lead to significant domestic policy commitments for the UK and its international partners. The Government will need to work across a number of policy areas to ensure that the country meets its targets in terms of reductions in carbon emissions and in terms of adaption to climate change already under way.
As the outcome of the Conference becomes known, this event will explore how the decisions made at COP26 will transform the policy environment for stakeholders working within the built environment across the UK.
It will consider:
- The adequacy of NPPF and the Local Plan making process in delivering patterns of development commensurate with carbon reduction goals, and the changes that may follow COP26
- The roll of strategic planning in carbon reduction and climate adaption strategies
- The role of local infrastructure planning in meeting the ambitions of COP26
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