Liberal Democrat Conference 2023: Delivering Development in Partnership: How Local Authorities & Developers can Work Together to Drive Positive Local Development
This year Planning Futures will host panel discussions at the Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservative Party Conferences that will explore how communities across the country can develop and deliver unifying visions of place. Designed to transcend the impasses of the YIMBY/NIMBY debate, these events will explore how proactive local authorities can unite their residents around plans that deliver the development that their communities need, whilst protecting the environment and driving positive economic growth.
Panel: Hannah David – Planning Futures (Chair); Helen Morgan MP – Party spokesperson for Levelling up, Housing and Communities/Local Government; Andrew Taylor – Vistry Group; Cllr Keith House – Leader/Cab member planning and property, Eastleigh BC.
Planning Futures is delighted to be joining with the Vistry Group to bring forward this event at this year’s Liberal Democrat Party conference.
Once a local authority has adopted a local plan, it is usually left to the private sector to deliver the residential, industrial and commercial development that the plan allows.
Whilst this is often an effective approach to development, many local authorities are now seeking to be more proactive in place making by working in partnership with developers to deliver the development that is needed in their local areas.
Many find that in becoming delivery partners, they can help to boost housing delivery, whilst enjoying greater input into design and placemaking. They can deliver on the aspiration of their local plans and secure social value for their communities.
This event will reflect on some success stories and will explore a range of best practice partnership models for local authorities looking to work with developers to drive forward their visions of place.